Digital Health Workshop with University of Portsmouth Dental Academy

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11 February 2023

10 February 2023. Work Better Innovations hosted a group of our newly arrived migrant friends to a Digital Health Workshop. We thank the event organisers: Dr Carolina Machuca Vargas and Nikki Legg of the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy.

Participants learnt how to navigate the NHS website and were encouraged to use the NHSapp. They also learnt how to find reliable health information online.

[Dr Carolina Machuca Vargas leads the presentation on navigating the NHS digital app and online services. Photo credits: Anita David]

This is part of our work as a social enterprise to contribute to a responsible economy from the ground up. Businesses can contribute in efforts to reduce health inequality in our society. Equally, they can contribute to positive outcomes in our collective well-being.

[NHS graphic showing 10 ways in which business can help reduce health inequalities.]

With the public health sector under increased pressure, a new wave of technology-based services promises to improve access to healthcare and provide treatments more time-efficiently.  

This is part of a nationwide movement to tackle health inequalities, which disproportionately affect minority groups. In this context, educational efforts to familiarise minority users to these technology-enhanced services are very important. Many of our migrant colleagues had seen posters about online NHS accounts, but were unsure how to access such services.

Our group of participants was keen to learn about online services, as it would help in reducing their trips to the GP surgeries. This was an important step towards individuals taking control of their health and well-being and towards integration in the modern British culture.

[Participants take part in completing two research surveys on digital health services. Photo credits: Shipa Ahmed Khan]

By taking part in two surveys, the group also completed self-guided exercises on how to access the GP plus other online services, and how to order repeat prescription.

[Health Inequalities Lead for Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Shipa Ahmed Khan with Nikki Legg from University of Portsmouth Dental Academy. Photo credits: Anita David]

[WBI Director of Community Engagement Anita David with Dr Carolina Machuca Vargas at the Digital Health Workshop. Photo credits: Shipa Ahmed Khan]

A huge thanks to the organisers for simplifying a daunting process for newcomers to Portsmouth. And thanks also for the goody bags, which included dental hygiene products and a well-being kit.

Workshops like these for new community members play a very important role in improving their positive health outcomes. It also sets a welcoming tone and reduces current pressures on the NHS during the challenging wintertime, as participating users know more about the services available beyond GP surgeries in and around Portsmouth.

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