WBI and City of Portsmouth College support Migrants’ Tech-literacy

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16 March 2023

16 March 2023. To support migrants’ tech-literacy, WBI were thrilled to host a special workshop delivered by a digital privacy advocate in partnership with City of Portsmouth College.

The workshop looked at how, as smart-tech users, we can ‘Take Back Our Online Privacy’ and prevent the misuse of our data for profit or discrimination. For minority users who might face higher risk due to gender, nationality, religion or a specific health condition, being aware of how to safely use the internet can make a huge difference.

The interactive presentation encouraged participants to reflect and provide feedback about individual digital habits. Participants learnt that data has become the most lucrative commodity in the world now after gold, and this is easily available for anyone to buy.

[Workshop participants during the ‘Take Back Your Digital Privacy’ talk organised in collaboration with City of Portsmouth College]

Our tutor explained through illustrative case studies how this may affect someone’s freedom, as they face risks of being scammed, commodified, and discriminated against.

The workshop addressed anyone with a general online presence — not only on social media, but also web-browsing, messaging platforms, e-mail and downloadable apps.

Being aware of digital privacy is not the same as not using the internet. As our tutor said: “Nobody can live without the internet these days.” This is why it is perhaps even more important to know what the alternatives are to the mainstream platforms.

The session ended on a hopeful note, providing us with more information on non-tracking social media, apps and browsers available to use, as well as a free guide to take home for more information.

“I didn’t know whether to come or not to this session, if it was going to be useful, but I am very glad I did. I understand better now how to protect myself, and I am now even thinking to take (up) technology as my subject at college after this.” — Workshop participant

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