WBI Celebrates Dr Bonny Ling Receiving the Fletcher’s Women’s Leadership Award 2024

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21 May 2024

On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Founder’s Day, Dr Bonny Ling received the Fletcher’s Women’s Leadership Award in March 2024 for making a significant impact in global affairs in the private sector. 

The event featured a brilliant discussion on gender and intersectional analysis, a field of study taught at the Fletcher School, with the President and CEO Latanya Mapp of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Alongside Dr Ling, Fletcher awarded Xanthe Scharff for outstanding leadership in the public sector, as the CEO and co-founder of the Fuller Project, dedicated to groundbreaking reporting on women.

In her speech, Dr Ling spoke proudly about her experience studying at Fletcher – the first school of international affairs established in the U.S. at the bequest of Dr. Austin Barclay Fletcher. 90 years later, Fletcher distinguishes itself as one of the world’s leading universities in international law and diplomacy.

The Fletcher Women’s Leadership Award (FWLA) was established in 2014 by the Fletcher School Board of Advisors to mid-career alumnae excelling in their fields.

“When I think back to my two years at the school, the thing that I most treasure is the space of genuine connection between the unlikeliest of colleagues and friends. There was something special that was created out of all our differences – a Fletcher solidarity that I still benefit from to this day.” – Dr Bonny Ling

Bonny’s speech touched on the significance of community-building in the face of global issues such as migration, war, forced labour.

Reflecting on the importance of the study on gender and intersectional analysis offered by the Fletcher School, Latanya Mapp notes:

“Feminism is not just a study, it is an actual way of acting in your community, it is a way of being able to propel.” – Latanya Mapp

Watch the full video to learn and be inspired by the work of exemplary women working internationally to create a better world today!

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