WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment

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1 July 2024

1 July 2024. Work Better Innovations is a proud contributing partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment, held in London last week from 25-26 June and also online. You can see the full agenda and view past recordings at gfrr.org.

The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment is a global conference to advocate for the fair, ethical, and responsible recruitment of migrant workers worldwide. Each year, the forum brings together businesses, civil society, trade unions, government, and academia to discuss making responsible recruitment a reality worldwide.

On Day Two of the Forum, 26 June, Dr Bonny Ling spoke on the challenges of responsible recruitment in Taiwan, on the Panel, “Responsible Recruitment: Understanding and Managing Regional Complexities,” alongside the case studies of Myanmar and the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. 

Our Executive Director Dr Bonny Ling spoke on this panel with Thi Thi Thein from the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business and Tamara Juburi and Neill Wilkins from the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB). We will post the recording when it becomes available. 

WBI is a strong advocate of the Employer Pays Principle, that no worker should pay for a job. The cost of recruitment should be borne by the employer as a human resource cost and not by the worker. This is consistent with the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on fair recruitment.

Adopting the Employer Pays Principle across all sectors of work is fundamental to eliminate exploitation, forced labour, and trafficking of migrant workers in the global supply and value chains. Recruitment fees borne by the workers increases their risk to debt bondage.

WBI is an established partner of the GFRR. We work internationally to promote responsible recruitment, including more awareness and remediation efforts dedicated to address the labour violations in the migration corridors to Taiwan.

You can see our video backgrounder on labour migration to Taiwan and also a full recording of the session from 2022’s Global Forum, Recruitment of Women Migrant Workers: A Look at Technology Factories in Taiwan. We will do a dedicated post on “Responsible Recruitment: Understanding and Managing Regional Complexities.” Coming soon!

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