WBI featured in Target 2024 Sustainability and Governance Report

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12 August 2024

Governance Report in July and highlighted its partnership with WBI on hosting the Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence to drive progress on human rights due diligence in Taiwan in April 2024 

The 2024 report demonstrates the corporation’s strategies and progress against three goals: (1) Design and Elevate Sustainable Brand, (2) Innovate to Eliminate Waste and (3) Accelerate Opportunity and Equity. The report illustrates the company’s worldwide collaborations, and we are honoured to be featured in this report for our longstanding work to drive corporate human rights due diligence, particularly in Taiwan, alongside the valuable work on worker protections, gender equity and digital transparency with CARE Impact Partners, Better Than Cash Alliance, Better Factories Cambodia RISE and the International Labour Organization (ILO).  

We continued our partnership with Work Better Innovations to drive progress on human rights due diligence in Taiwan, bringing together business leaders, civil society, government representatives and other experts to discuss corporate responsibility and enhancing protections for foreign migrant workers. This work builds on the training series conducted in 2022 with small- and medium-sized business on preventing forced labor in Taiwan.

– Target 2024 Sustainability and Governance Report, page 48.

WBI hosted the Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in Taipei in April this year. It is the first international business forum focusing on the corporate responsibility to respect human rights in Taiwan. Opened with a speech by Ninh Trinh, Target’s Director of Responsible Sourcing and Sustainability, the Forum was attended by international and domestic business leaders such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IKEA, Baker McKenzie and Samsung Electronics. 

The continuation of WBI’s partnership with Target was built on a forced labour prevention initiative for small- and medium-sized businesses in Taiwan in 2022. This earlier project consisted of the creation of a bilingual guidebook based on the ILO’s 11 Indicators of forced labour and the provision of three training sessions in Taiwan.

We thank Target for the support and the mention in its latest corporate report on sustainability and governance.. 

For more details, you can read:

  • Target’s 2024 Sustainability and Governance Report here
  • Report of Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence here.
  • Report of WBI’s Forced Labour Prevention Project and its impacts here.

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