25 April: Nailing Job Interviews…into the job world one goes

24 April 2022.  Since February 2022, Work Better Innovations has carried out five events to provide a more tailored job support for new migrants in Portsmouth. As a specialist research consultancy working to foster a more responsible economy, this falls under our scope of community service to contribute to a more inclusive economy.

We are very fortunate to find a dedicated partner in the City of Portsmouth College (formerly Highbury College and Portsmouth College), who has given our migrant participants the advice they give to their own students on how to enter and be successful in the job market. This has been invaluable. Thank you!

On 25 April 2022, the training on job interviews will mark the conclusion of our first run, for our first cohort of skilled migrants taken through our support series. The participants would then have gone through six sessions covering a range of topics to help them in their job search:


  • An introduction
  • CV writing
  • Inputting CV into Word
  • Work Culture in the UK
  • Cover letter
  • Job interview

As we look to the conclusion of our first run of this endeavour, we are very moved – we know this process is not easy and even harder if one overlays the extra difficulties of learning a new language and adjusting to different cultural and professional expectations, in a new place where much is not the same as before.


We are proud of our participants for trying. We will post a summary of what we have learnt during this process. But most importantly, we will soon be doing this again – for the second cohort of participants, to start next month in May. This is all part of our community service and our commitment to help migrant families, one at a time.


Stay tuned. And please reach out if you would like to collaborate. We work better together!

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