Dr Bonny Ling presents WBI Policy Brief at Taiwan-Japan Symposium “Migrant Workers in Asia: Patterns, Issues and Policies”

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16 August 2023

16 August 2023. Dr Bonny Ling presented a new policy brief prepared by Work Better Innovations’ team at the joint symposium ‘Migrant Workers in Asia: Patterns, Issues and Policies’. The event is co-organised by Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) and Japan External Trade Organization’s Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), with the National Human Rights Commission of Taiwan.

The joint TAEF and IDE-JETRO symposium, ‘Migrant Workers in Asia: Patterns, Issues and Policies,’ is a unique opportunity for scholars and practitioners from Japan and Taiwan to share insights, with the view to reform labour migration policies in destination economies.

“By holding the Symposium, we hope to improve the living & working conditions of migrant workers in Taiwan and to create a better future for all of us”

The WBI policy brief ‘Framing the Regional Context for Taiwan’s Labour Migration: Challenges and Opportunities’ presented by Dr Ling analysed the labour migration issues facing Taiwan in a regional perspective.

It emphasised the urgent need of reforming labour systems towards a responsible recruitment.

We are honoured that our analysis followed the speech by the National Human Rights Commission member Ms. Wang Yu-Ling 王幼玲委員, who reported on the human rights situation of migrant workers in Taiwan.

We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to broader discussions on the international dimensions of Taiwan’s migrant labour alongside scholars from Taiwan, Japan and the UK and other NGOs:

These discussions are driven by the aim to reform policies to implement the vision of responsible recruitment and migration with dignity.

[Dr Bonny Ling with National Human Rights Commission member Ms. Wang Yu-Ling 王幼玲委員 at the Symposium]

(Chinese text)

Bonny Ling 昨日(16)在國際論壇「亞洲移工聯合論壇:樣態、議題與政策」上,就台灣當前移工問題提出政策建議。該報告由WBI團隊準備,從區域移民走廊和日韓比較政策切入,指出台灣在超高齡社會、人權立國的遠景、全球兼容與永續經濟的趨勢中,應該要推動負責任的聘僱制度,並且弭平國內對「移工」和外籍白領工作者的政策差距。論壇由台灣亞洲交流基金會和亞洲經濟研究所主辦、台灣國家人權委員會協辦。我們希望透過更多的交流討論,促成所有國家改善移工的待遇。

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