WBI-supported migrant jobseekers featured in national Workers’ Educational Association video

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22 September 2023

22 September 2023. We are so thrilled to see the release of Workers Educational Association (WEA)’s new learner video to celebrate their 120-year anniversary, featuring two participants, Karla and Abdalazeez, from WBI’s Employment Support for Migrants program delivered with City of Portsmouth College and WEA. Congrats WEA on your 120-year birthday! 

Back in June 2023, WBI welcomed the WEA team to Innovation Connect to record one of the sessions of our Employment Support for Migrants. The WBI-founded program is run jointly with City of Portsmouth College and WEA. Its aim is to support migrant jobseekers along the process of finding employment.

The final video shines the spotlight on the amazing hub of adult learning that WEA has continuously cultivated for over 120 years. We couldn’t be more thrilled to add to such an amazing and multi-skilled community.

[Behind the Scene photo by WBI, feat. WEA and Employment Support for Migrants tutor, Bahar Mouland]

Since February 2022, WBI has hosted this programme as part of our community service.

The programme flourished from an awareness of a difficulty in landing a job faced by newcomers to the UK, despite the fantastic skill sets they are equipped with. Through the Employment Support for Migrants course, we hoped to reduce this difficulty and narrow the gap between migrants’ potential and reality.

“I learned how to prepare myself for job interviews and how to be positive in every situation.” – Abdalazeez

“Now I feel more confident, I feel more happy.” – Karla

[Screenshot of Karla in WEA’s video]

Hearing Abdalazeez and Karla share what the course meant for them personally in the video by WEA was very touching.

“It made a difference for me because I used the strategy learned from the course in the interview and got the job!” – Abdalazeez

[1. Behind the Scene photos by WBI  2. Screenshot of Abdalazeez in WEA’s video]

Nothing is more rewarding to us than to see the hard work and resilience of our participants pay off in the end, and their incredible skills be put to a great use.

We are grateful to deliver these workshops in collaboration with City of Portsmouth College and WEA. We look forward to starting the journey with our 6th Cohort next week.

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