
WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment

1 July 2024. Work Better Innovations is a proud contributing partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment, held in London last week from 25-26 June and also online. You can see the full agenda and view past recordings at gfrr.org. The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment is a global conference to advocate for the …

WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment Read More »

WBI Celebrates Dr Bonny Ling Receiving the Fletcher’s Women’s Leadership Award 2024

On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Founder’s Day, Dr Bonny Ling received the Fletcher’s Women’s Leadership Award in March 2024 for making a significant impact in global affairs in the private sector.  The event featured a brilliant discussion on gender and intersectional analysis, a field …

WBI Celebrates Dr Bonny Ling Receiving the Fletcher’s Women’s Leadership Award 2024 Read More »

WBI celebrates the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) passed by the European Parliament

30 April 2024. WBI and the Taiwan Project for Business and Human Rights celebrates the passing of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in the European Parliament last week. Following this latest development, it now needs final approval by Ministers of the Member States to be formally adopted by the European Union. The vote …

WBI celebrates the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) passed by the European Parliament Read More »

Work Better Innovations 公布政策摘要《永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略》

2024年4月1日。搭配將於4月9日台北舉行的「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,Work Better Innovations 公布第三份也是最終份政策摘要,討論台灣企業如何因應氣候變化和環境法規。 台灣政府在2022年底時承諾減碳,目標是2030年的碳排量比2005年少24%,並在2050年實現 淨零。去年,台灣通過《氣候變遷因應法》,訂定將透過提高再生能源和秉持公正轉型的原則,逐步落實減排的目標。 這份政策摘要提出台灣企業在實行永續發展和經濟成長、尤其是2050年淨零碳排的目標時,面臨的難題。在諸多氣候變遷與環境的議題中,我們聚焦在以下三點: 淨零碳排 再生能源 公正轉型 如同我們在政策摘要編號 1 / 2024 提到台灣中小型企業需要專業的外部協助以落實企業與人權,在氣候變遷議題上更是如此。這份摘要也分享實際案例,以凸顯企業邁向永續發展的討戰,並提出我們的建議。 『非常榮幸能夠參與這份政策報告的撰寫工作。台灣企業都應該要意識到,環境與社會永續不該是表面功夫的作文比賽,而是對於社會的責任。』 – 劉光瑩 《永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略》總結了WBI為「台灣企業全球論壇」推出的三份背景閱讀。您可點此了解更多關於論壇的資訊:https://www.cw.com.tw/feature/event/2024wbi 連同今年二月出版的政策摘要《落實企業尊重人權之責任:台灣現況與挑戰》分析企業尊重人權的責任, 與三月的《台灣移工責任聘僱與追求永續發展》探討負責任招聘和永續發展,我們的計畫團隊展現了在企業與人權多面向的專業知識,以及將它們轉化為易讀的資訊。這一系列政策摘皆為「台灣企業人權方案」的研究出版成果。 感謝贊助者和許多人的辛勞,讓這些研究得以觸及更多人。我們特別感謝計畫團隊的每個夥伴,包含 Nicholas Haggerty、許琬翔和傅崇益,及《天下雜誌》主編劉光瑩和台灣企業人權方案的邱羽凡的審校最後,我們想感謝攝影師 Daniel M Shih,因為他的作品我們才有如此動人的封面照! 更多關於WBI的研究成果與出版品:https://www.wbi.org.uk/publications/

WBI Releases Policy Brief on Sustainability in Action for Taiwanese Enterprises in a Changing Climate

1 April 2024. Work Better Innovations releases the third and final policy brief on the need for Taiwanese enterprises to adapt to a changing climate to accompany the upcoming Taiwan Business Forum on Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in Taipei, on 9 April. Taiwan pledged in late 2022 to reduce the country’s carbon emissions …

WBI Releases Policy Brief on Sustainability in Action for Taiwanese Enterprises in a Changing Climate Read More »

‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan’ at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024

22 March 2024. At the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024, WBI Director Dr Bonny Ling presented a talk on ‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan: Common Challenges and Ways Forward for Human Security’, based on a book chapter co-authored with Mariko Hayashi, Director of the Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC) …

‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan’ at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024 Read More »

Work Better Innovations 發布政策摘要《台灣移工責任聘僱與追求永續發展》

2024年3月19日。搭配將於4月9日在台北舉行的「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,Work Better Innovations 公布第二份政策摘要,探討如何透過落實負責任招聘達成聯合國永續發展目標。 這份摘要,《台灣移工責任聘僱與追求永續發展》,由林姝函和凌怡華博士主筆,是「台灣企業人權方案」第二份出版品。 報告列舉了在台移工的薪資匯款貢獻家鄉的永續發展,包含下列: 提升家戶所得 提高擁有住房的比例 推動優質教育 平穩經濟危機或天然災害 支持創業 我們同時也論述在不完善的招聘制度中,因移工必須承擔跨國招聘費和在台就業的相關費用,阻礙或延遲這些發展效益。 感謝印尼記者 Randy Mulyanto 的幫忙,這份摘要收錄了兩位在台印尼移工的故事,讓統計數字交互印證人的生命經驗,從他們在台就業的失、和遠在印尼家庭的得。 建議您搭配閱讀我們在去年出版的政策摘要編號  1 / 2023,更能釐清招聘費和相關費用的中英術語和差異。 很開心終於有一份聚焦在台移工發展貢獻的研究。在撰寫時,發現這是一項被台灣忽略的議題,但在勞務移動中,最重要的價值其實是人、而不是只有勞力。希望這份研究能帶來實質的改變。– 林姝函 永續發展的核心在於每個人都能成長茁壯,包含生活健康而長壽、能有受教育的機會和合理的生活水準,這同時呼應我們在這份摘要的總結:讓「雇主支付原則」在臺生根。 為搭配「台灣企業全球論壇」,Work Better Innovations 一共撰寫了三份關於企業與人權的政策摘要,《台灣移工責任聘僱與追求永續發展》是這系列的第二份,最後一份將於接下來幾週公開。 歡迎報名4月9日「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,報名連結和詳細議程在此:https://www.cw.com.tw/feature/event/2024wbi

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence


14 March 2024. WBI 將於4月9日台北舉辦「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,是台灣首次以人權和環境盡責調查為主軸的商業論壇,期能鼓勵台灣企業履行尊重人權和環境的責任,帶動蓬勃且持久的社會對話和改革。 論壇將聚焦三個主題,分別是: 落實企業尊重人權之責任:台灣現況與挑戰 台灣移工責任招聘與追求永續發展 永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略 講者陣容精彩,跨足本土和國際、智庫和實務,包含: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine Hewlett Packard Enterprise Caux Round Table Japan 宜家家居 IKEA Embode 國際通商法律事務所 Baker McKenzie 歐洲在臺商務協會 European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan 零廢時裝 Story Wear 台泥集團 紅葉谷綠能溫泉園區 Taiwan Cement’s Vakangan Green Energy Hot Spring Park 台灣尼阿斯 NIRAS Taiwan 共同主辦單位 Institute of Business and Human Rights …

萬眾矚目的「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」於4月9日台北舉行,歡迎參加 Read More »

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence on 9 April 2024 in Taipei

14 March 2024. WBI announces and opens for registration the Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, taking place on 9 April 2024 in Taipei. The project, co-organised with the Institute of Business and Human Rights, represents the first international business forum dedicated to the issue of human rights and environmental due …

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence on 9 April 2024 in Taipei Read More »

WBI Receives a Portsmouth Community Inclusion Grant to Leverage Digital Skills for Migrant Job Search

23 February 2023. We are delighted to announce that we have been granted a second Community Inclusion Grant by Portsmouth City Council to fund a new project targeting digital inequality.  It was a pleasure to attend the award ceremony presented at The Guildhall alongside 32 awarded community leaders and organisations.  Back in November 2022, Work …

WBI Receives a Portsmouth Community Inclusion Grant to Leverage Digital Skills for Migrant Job Search Read More »

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