
WBI Paper and Policy Briefs Featured in a Publication on Migrant Workers in Taiwan and Japan

22 August 2024. WBI article and policy briefs are featured in the joint publication by the Taiwan Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), one of the most influential Taiwan policy think tanks on Asian regional affairs, and the Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO). The publication, “Migrant Workers in Taiwan and Japan: Patterns, …

WBI Paper and Policy Briefs Featured in a Publication on Migrant Workers in Taiwan and Japan Read More »

WBI featured in Target 2024 Sustainability and Governance Report

Governance Report in July and highlighted its partnership with WBI on hosting the Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence to drive progress on human rights due diligence in Taiwan in April 2024  The 2024 report demonstrates the corporation’s strategies and progress against three goals: (1) Design and Elevate Sustainable Brand, (2) …

WBI featured in Target 2024 Sustainability and Governance Report Read More »

WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment

1 July 2024. Work Better Innovations is a proud contributing partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment, held in London last week from 25-26 June and also online. You can see the full agenda and view past recordings at gfrr.org. The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment is a global conference to advocate for the …

WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment Read More »

Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan Common Challenges and Ways Forward for Human Security

SEEAC, BEBESEA and WBI celebrate World Refugee Day and announce book publication on refugee protection in Japan and Taiwan

20 June 2024. SEEAC, BEBESEA and WBI celebrate World Refugee Day with the announcement of the publication of the book “Refugees and asylum seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan” The book features a chapter written by Mariko Hayashi and Dr Bonny Ling, comparing refugee protection in both Japan and Taiwan. In 2023, …

SEEAC, BEBESEA and WBI celebrate World Refugee Day and announce book publication on refugee protection in Japan and Taiwan Read More »

WBI’s recommendations for Taiwan’s next National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights

10 May 2024. An academic paper by Dr Bonny Ling published in the Journal of Innovation in the Social Sciences highlights the nexus between business, human rights and protection for displaced individuals. She discusses how Taiwan’s next National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) can address refugee protection in line with its human …

WBI’s recommendations for Taiwan’s next National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights Read More »

WBI Conducts Interviews on Community Gardening for Local Research

7 May 2024. As part of our upcoming project report on local environmental action, we share a preview of the quotes gathered as part of our qualitative research. In March 2024, we sat down with project participants from various minority backgrounds to hear why they are taking part, what is their experience of community gardening, …

WBI Conducts Interviews on Community Gardening for Local Research Read More »

WBI spoke on Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand and their Growing Vulnerability

30 April 2024. WBI and colleagues from the Institute of Business and Human Rights (IHRB) gave a talk on the ‘Growing Vulnerability and Risks of Exploitation of Burmese Workers in Thailand’ hosted by Generation Now Asia in Taipei on 11 April. The event was covered in an insightful article by Yuchi Hsieh and printed by …

WBI spoke on Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand and their Growing Vulnerability Read More »

WBI Recognised in Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s 2022 Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

19 April 2024. In 2022, WBI collaborated with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), a global technology brand, to deliver a supplier training programme to combat forced labour risks. We are proud to see our work referenced in HPE’s 2022 Modern Slavery Transparency Statement.  HPE is a global technology leader focused on “developing intelligent solutions that allow …

WBI Recognised in Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s 2022 Modern Slavery Transparency Statement Read More »

WBI holds the first international Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence with Collaborators

16 April 2024. The Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, organised by Work Better Innovations in partnership with the Institute for Human Rights and Business and supported by CommonWealth Magazine, Target and the European Chamber for Commerce Taiwan, took place last week on 9 April 2024 in Taipei.  The one-day Forum …

WBI holds the first international Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence with Collaborators Read More »

Work Better Innovations 公布政策摘要《永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略》

2024年4月1日。搭配將於4月9日台北舉行的「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,Work Better Innovations 公布第三份也是最終份政策摘要,討論台灣企業如何因應氣候變化和環境法規。 台灣政府在2022年底時承諾減碳,目標是2030年的碳排量比2005年少24%,並在2050年實現 淨零。去年,台灣通過《氣候變遷因應法》,訂定將透過提高再生能源和秉持公正轉型的原則,逐步落實減排的目標。 這份政策摘要提出台灣企業在實行永續發展和經濟成長、尤其是2050年淨零碳排的目標時,面臨的難題。在諸多氣候變遷與環境的議題中,我們聚焦在以下三點: 淨零碳排 再生能源 公正轉型 如同我們在政策摘要編號 1 / 2024 提到台灣中小型企業需要專業的外部協助以落實企業與人權,在氣候變遷議題上更是如此。這份摘要也分享實際案例,以凸顯企業邁向永續發展的討戰,並提出我們的建議。 『非常榮幸能夠參與這份政策報告的撰寫工作。台灣企業都應該要意識到,環境與社會永續不該是表面功夫的作文比賽,而是對於社會的責任。』 – 劉光瑩 《永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略》總結了WBI為「台灣企業全球論壇」推出的三份背景閱讀。您可點此了解更多關於論壇的資訊:https://www.cw.com.tw/feature/event/2024wbi 連同今年二月出版的政策摘要《落實企業尊重人權之責任:台灣現況與挑戰》分析企業尊重人權的責任, 與三月的《台灣移工責任聘僱與追求永續發展》探討負責任招聘和永續發展,我們的計畫團隊展現了在企業與人權多面向的專業知識,以及將它們轉化為易讀的資訊。這一系列政策摘皆為「台灣企業人權方案」的研究出版成果。 感謝贊助者和許多人的辛勞,讓這些研究得以觸及更多人。我們特別感謝計畫團隊的每個夥伴,包含 Nicholas Haggerty、許琬翔和傅崇益,及《天下雜誌》主編劉光瑩和台灣企業人權方案的邱羽凡的審校最後,我們想感謝攝影師 Daniel M Shih,因為他的作品我們才有如此動人的封面照! 更多關於WBI的研究成果與出版品:https://www.wbi.org.uk/publications/

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