
Taiwan Project logo

WBI announces the Taiwan Project for Business and Human Rights, a special collaboration with Law School in Taiwan

29 January 2024. WBI launches the Taiwan Project for Business and Human Rights [台灣企業人權方案], with Professor Yu-Fan Chiu, renowned labour law professor at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. It is a special project that builds on WBI’s strong expertise and programming ties to the Asia Pacific and the labour research of …

WBI announces the Taiwan Project for Business and Human Rights, a special collaboration with Law School in Taiwan Read More »

Podcast Taiwanology

Dr Bonny Ling on Taiwanology – Taiwan’s Migrant Workers Have a Dream

24 January 2024. In the latest episode by Taiwanology, WBI’s Director Dr Bonny Ling speaks to the host Kwangyin Liu for an insightful conversation on the incoming EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and what this means for Taiwan’s businesses. Taiwanology is a podcast produced by CommonWealth Magazine, which discusses Taiwan’s geopolitics, technology and …

Dr Bonny Ling on Taiwanology – Taiwan’s Migrant Workers Have a Dream Read More »

One-Month Impact Overview of WBI’s Policy Brief on English-Chinese Terms in Taiwan’s Recruitment

9 January 2024. One month after WBI published the policy brief “Recruitment Fees and Related Costs in Taiwan: Dictionary of English-Chinese Terms” on International Migrants Day on 18 December 2023, we share findings that highlight the impact generated by its release. The ‘Dictionary Brief’, authored by our Executive Director, Dr Bonny Ling, with the assistance …

One-Month Impact Overview of WBI’s Policy Brief on English-Chinese Terms in Taiwan’s Recruitment Read More »

Prominent Business Magazine features WBI Director Dr Bonny Ling in an article on Business and Human Rights

16 January 2023. WBI Executive Director Dr Bonny Ling was recently featured in an article by CommonWealth Magazine, which also references WBI’s Practical Guidebook for Taiwan’s SMES on Understanding the International Labour Organisation’s Indicators of Forced Labour. The article is part of a series on the topic of business and human rights, written in Chinese …

Prominent Business Magazine features WBI Director Dr Bonny Ling in an article on Business and Human Rights Read More »

Policy Brief

WBI Releases Policy Brief, a Dictionary of English-Chinese Terms on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs in Taiwan

18 December 2023. Today, on International Migrants Day, we are releasing our newest publication, “Recruitment Fees and Related Costs in Taiwan: Dictionary of English-Chinese Terms,” to remove misunderstandings arising from language and translation as obstacles to responsible recruitment in the migration corridors to Taiwan. WBI celebrates International Migrants Day 2023 with the release of this …

WBI Releases Policy Brief, a Dictionary of English-Chinese Terms on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs in Taiwan Read More »

WBI Continues Discussion on Forced Labour with Podcast on Debt Bondage

5 December 2023. WBI recorded two podcasts with iLabour (鉤拳!右鉤權!吃我一記愛の勞動權!) hosted by Taiwan Labour Front on forced labour indicators as part of a series of public education on labour rights in Taiwan. We reported on the first one on the withholding of wages, here. The second one is on debt bondage; you can listen here, …

WBI Continues Discussion on Forced Labour with Podcast on Debt Bondage Read More »

WBI Discusses Withholding of Wages on a Forced Labour Podcast Series

28 November 2023. WBI is featured on a labour rights podcast in Taiwan! Our Executive Director sat down with the host of the popular labour podcast iLabor in Taiwan (左鉤拳!右鉤權!吃我一記愛の勞動權!) to talk about the withholding of wages as a forced labour indicator. You can listen here, in Chinese. This is a part of a series …

WBI Discusses Withholding of Wages on a Forced Labour Podcast Series Read More »

WBI Welcomes the Launch of Civil Society Proposal to Protect Migrant Fishers in ASEAN

3 November 2023. WBI welcomes the release of the policy paper “Proposal by the Regional Civil Society Consultation for the ASEAN Guideline on the Placement and Protection of Migrant Fishers and Their Families,” with contributions from 25 organisations, including WBI.  The two NGOs, Better Engagement Between East and Southeast Asia (BEBESEA) and the Human Rights …

WBI Welcomes the Launch of Civil Society Proposal to Protect Migrant Fishers in ASEAN Read More »

TaiwanPlus News: WBI speaks on Recruitment Fees as a Major Risk of Forced Labour

27 October 2023. In last week’s episode of ‘Zoom in/ Zoom Out’, WBI’s Director Dr Bonny Ling spoke to TaiwanPlus News on the topic of migrant workers in Taiwan, highlighting the risk of forced labour under its current system of recruitment.  Recent protests in Taiwan demonstrate a failing system that persistently puts migrant workers at …

TaiwanPlus News: WBI speaks on Recruitment Fees as a Major Risk of Forced Labour Read More »

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