
WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment

1 July 2024. Work Better Innovations is a proud contributing partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment, held in London last week from 25-26 June and also online. You can see the full agenda and view past recordings at gfrr.org. The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment is a global conference to advocate for the …

WBI is a Contributing Partner to the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment Read More »

WBI Runs Workshop to Develop Migrants’ Digital Skills for Job Search

28 June 2024. As part of WBI’s commitment to support migrant employment, we hosted a LinkedIn workshop to provide guidance to optimise jobseekers’ LinkedIn profiles, including facilitating a session for professional profile photos. This project was made possible by Portsmouth City Council’s Community Inclusion Grant 2024. The workshop was delivered by a QA Engineer, Emre Bektas, …

WBI Runs Workshop to Develop Migrants’ Digital Skills for Job Search Read More »

WBI Hosts Digital Privacy Workshop with City of Portsmouth College

6 May 2024. WBI hosted another Digital Privacy workshop to raise awareness of how personal, browsing and financial data could be exploited online. To support the new migrants’ tech-literacy WBI runs this workshop twice a year in collaboration with City of Portsmouth College. Participants were surprised to discover that their browsing history and personal information …

WBI Hosts Digital Privacy Workshop with City of Portsmouth College Read More »

WBI spoke on Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand and their Growing Vulnerability

30 April 2024. WBI and colleagues from the Institute of Business and Human Rights (IHRB) gave a talk on the ‘Growing Vulnerability and Risks of Exploitation of Burmese Workers in Thailand’ hosted by Generation Now Asia in Taipei on 11 April. The event was covered in an insightful article by Yuchi Hsieh and printed by …

WBI spoke on Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand and their Growing Vulnerability Read More »

WBI holds the first international Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence with Collaborators

16 April 2024. The Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, organised by Work Better Innovations in partnership with the Institute for Human Rights and Business and supported by CommonWealth Magazine, Target and the European Chamber for Commerce Taiwan, took place last week on 9 April 2024 in Taipei.  The one-day Forum …

WBI holds the first international Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence with Collaborators Read More »

‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan’ at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024

22 March 2024. At the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024, WBI Director Dr Bonny Ling presented a talk on ‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan: Common Challenges and Ways Forward for Human Security’, based on a book chapter co-authored with Mariko Hayashi, Director of the Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC) …

‘Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan’ at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2024 Read More »

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence


14 March 2024. WBI 將於4月9日台北舉辦「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」,是台灣首次以人權和環境盡責調查為主軸的商業論壇,期能鼓勵台灣企業履行尊重人權和環境的責任,帶動蓬勃且持久的社會對話和改革。 論壇將聚焦三個主題,分別是: 落實企業尊重人權之責任:台灣現況與挑戰 台灣移工責任招聘與追求永續發展 永續行動:台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略 講者陣容精彩,跨足本土和國際、智庫和實務,包含: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine Hewlett Packard Enterprise Caux Round Table Japan 宜家家居 IKEA Embode 國際通商法律事務所 Baker McKenzie 歐洲在臺商務協會 European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan 零廢時裝 Story Wear 台泥集團 紅葉谷綠能溫泉園區 Taiwan Cement’s Vakangan Green Energy Hot Spring Park 台灣尼阿斯 NIRAS Taiwan 共同主辦單位 Institute of Business and Human Rights …

萬眾矚目的「台灣企業全球論壇:人權和環境盡職調查」於4月9日台北舉行,歡迎參加 Read More »

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence on 9 April 2024 in Taipei

14 March 2024. WBI announces and opens for registration the Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, taking place on 9 April 2024 in Taipei. The project, co-organised with the Institute of Business and Human Rights, represents the first international business forum dedicated to the issue of human rights and environmental due …

Taiwan Business Forum for Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence on 9 April 2024 in Taipei Read More »

First Food With Friends for 2024 features Talk on Bone Health

26 January 2024. For our first Food with Friends instalment of 2024, we welcomed our migrant guests in a brand-new location, Landport’s Community Centre. Dr Mark Edwards from Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust joined us for an insightful talk on Bone Health and Osteoporosis before our signature cooked lunch.  Food with Friends is a hybrid event-series funded …

First Food With Friends for 2024 features Talk on Bone Health Read More »

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