Our Publications

WBI engage in various types of research writings to advocate for change for a responsible economy. We have four types of publications that you can view onscreen or download from our website: policy briefs, guidebook, various reporting, project impact summary and academic paper.

In addition to these public analyses that you can download, we have done internal reports and trainings for clients on forced labour in Southeast Asia, labour exploitation in the maritime sector, and briefings on environmental, social and governance (ESG) developments for clients interested in the Asia Pacific.

Contact us if we can help you with specialist research and labour assessment requirements. We work with a team of human rights and labour consultants and have strong subject matter expertise in international law and standards, with specialisation on Asia and Taiwan – talk to us about how we can help you work towards fair recruitment and decent work for all.

Policy Briefs

Policy Brief No. 1 / 2024 (February 2024)

This policy brief, “Operationalising Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in Taiwan: Current State and Challenges,” assesses the current state of implementation among Taiwanese businesses. The Brief found early encouraging results and is a first step to evaluate how corporate responsibility to respect human rights is applied in Taiwan.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

政策摘要編號 1 / 2024 (2024 年 2 月)

這份摘要《落實企業尊重人權之責任:台灣現況與挑戰》探討台灣工商企業如何履行其尊重人權的企業責任;UNGPs 是一項全球公認的標準,旨在防止和解決商業環境中負面人權影響的風險。並進一步發現在 UNGPs 框架下,台灣對於第二支柱——企業尊重人權的責任的落實現狀呈現令人鼓舞的初步成果, 但人權盡職調查與救濟措施可望繼續提升


Policy Brief No. 2 / 2024 (March 2024)

This policy brief, “Labour Migration to Taiwan: Leveraging Responsible Recruitment for Sustainable Development,” outlines the important contributions that migrant workers in Taiwan make to sustainable development outcomes in their countries of origin via remittances and also addresses the associated loss or delay of positive development outcome due to Taiwan’s flawed labour recruitment system.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

政策摘要編號 2 / 2024 (2024 年 3 月)



Policy Brief No. 2 / 2024 (March 2024)

This policy brief, “Sustainability in Action: Strategies for Taiwanese Enterprises in a Changing Climate,” sets out key challenges facing Taiwanese enterprises on issues of sustainability and economy, focusing on meeting Taiwan’s goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050. It addresses the key climate change issues of Net Zero emissions; renewable energy; and a Just Transition.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

政策摘要編號 3 / 2024 (2024 年 4 月)

這份摘要《永續行動: 台灣企業因應氣候變遷之策略》簡述台灣企業在永續和經濟上面臨的主要挑戰,重點關注2050年實現台灣的淨零目標。我們將在以下三個主題下探討台灣企業面臨的關鍵氣候變遷問題:淨零碳排目標; 再生能源; 和公正轉型。我們將用實際案例研究來凸顯企業面臨的永續挑戰,並提出一些建議供台灣企業參考。


Policy Brief No. 1 / 2023 (December 2023)

This policy brief, “Recruitment Fees and Related Costs in Taiwan: Dictionary of English-Chinese Terms,” sets out the Chinese terms for the various recruitment fees, related costs and other illegitimate costs as they are used in the Taiwanese context. 

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

January 2025.

This is a joint 2025 report by WBI and SEEAC, submitted to an expert human rights body (UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) with our recommendations for areas of improvement for the UK Government concerning the protection of economic, social and cultural rights. This process is under a core human rights treaty, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Our report and recommendations focused on state obligations in the context of business activities, the right to just and favourable conditions of work, and the right to health

You can read it online in full screen mode and download the PDF.

December 2022.

This is a bilingual policy guidance on International Labour Organization’s 11 forced labour indicators. The guidebook is specific to the local context of Taiwan and is accessible for the 99% of all business enterprises in Taiwan – the SMEs that dominate the local economy.

The guidebook explains risks in an easy-to-understand manner to promote an enabling environment where everyone has a role to play to eliminating forced labour. 

This is the English version, available digitally.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

2022 年 12 月





Guidebook and Trainings for SMEs in Taiwan:
Understanding the International Labour Organization Indicators of Forced Labour

December 2022.

Work Better Innovations delivered a pilot project tailored to the SME landscape in Taiwan in December 2022. The project promoted international labour standards in Taiwan, particularly on the topic of forced labour in the supply chain. Our project impact summary states how we made a difference with this project. 

The Guidebook continues to be used as the basis for training on forced labour public education and labour rights podcasts for Taiwan in 2023.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights and Protecting Displaced Populations through Human Rights Due Diligence: Recommendations for Taiwan

5 December 2023. This is an advanced print by Bonny Ling published in Brill’s Innovation in the Social Sciences (2023).

Taiwan released its National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in 2020 to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In parallel was the release of Taiwan’s first National Human Rights Action Plan, where refugee protection was expressed as a priority. 

This article examines the nexus between business, human rights and protection for displaced individuals. It provides recommendations on how Taiwan’s next National Action Plan can address refugee protection in line with its business and human rights commitments.

You can read it online in full screen mode or download the PDF.

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